
Our New Hosting Customers via WebTech Group

We have added several new hosting customers with the assistance of our hosting partner, WebTech Group.

ST. LOUIS, MO (UltimateHost.Domains) Our partners at WebTech Group have added some new design clients using our website hosting services.

The build “search engine friendly” website only prioritizes SEO during the design phase rather than after the design phase, and clients are unhappy because nobody can find the website.

The new hosting clients are:

Hosting has become a commodity without customers understanding the importance of quality hosting to ensure that search engines rank the website high in search results.  Poor hosting can be a lack of security, resulting in phishing campaigns running on a site without the site owner knowing it, slow load speed, or excessive downtime.  These are a few examples, but any of these can cause Google to lose faith in your site and not show it in search results because they will show websites that give visitors a good experience.  The most important is load time.  Websites must load fast to rank well.

You can subscribe to our premium hosting services online, but if you need a professional web design and hosting company, we highly recommend WebTech Group.

They specialize in news sites and online ordering for restaurants.  You can visit them at or call them at 417-529-1133.  Their experience began in 1994 when the internet went online.  Their expertise is unmatched.